Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, Grabill, IN is a member congregation of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod (LCMS). Traditional Divine Service worship is every Sunday at 9am, followed by a time for fellowship and Bible study for all ages, and you are welcome to attend. The dress code is flexible: come however you’re comfortable. You’ll find some in ties, some in blue jeans, and everything in between. During special seasons (e.g. Advent and Lent), a Wednesday service is themed to the time. These often include a lite dinner at 6pm. Visit our Facebook page for the latest information on special services and other events – we’d love to have you visit any of them.
About the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod

We believe in the Triune God, and the Bible as the inerrant and infallible Word of God. Therefore our absolute core belief is that eternal salvation comes thru Faith alone, in His Grace alone, as taught in His Word alone. To explore this further, please visit