Frequently Asked Questions

If you didn’t grow up in a church, or even if you did but it wasn’t *this* *Lutheran* church, you may have a few questions. If you have questions not covered here, please ask. We’d love to add them – others probably are wondering, too. You can contact us by leaving a message at  (260) 627-5621 , messaging us on FaceBook or sending an email to [email protected] .

Can I just show up, or do I need an invitation or something? Please come! Consider this your invitation. You are welcome at any of our services or activities.

I have trouble getting around. Can I come here? Yes you can! We are very handicap friendly, and easily accommodate wheelchairs, walkers, or whatever.

What’s it cost? Absolutely nothing! Yes, a donation plate is sitting in the narthex (entry hall), but our guests are not expected to contribute anything other than their presence.

Can I bring the kids? But of course. Our activities are by definition family-friendly.

What should I wear? A couple decades ago, churches were filled with men in suits/ties and women in hats/gloves. That’s not the way it is anymore. Our members and guests wear whatever is comfortable for them. Some wear sports-coats or skirts, others wear jeans and a T-shirt. It’s often surprisingly warm in the sanctuary during winter, so layers would be a good idea. The person inside the clothes is more important than the clothes.

How long does a service last? Our Sunday services typically last about an hour. But you might like to stick around for a little bit and visit; there’s usually munchies in a fellowship time following service and before other activities.

That special program sounds like it’s for me, but I missed the first session(s). Can I come anyway? Please do. Each meeting of our special groups can stand alone, and if there’s something that generates a question, just ask.